by Gaming Benefits Corp | Jun 12, 2023 | Fundraising, News
Written by Tara Sue Clark, Gaming Benefits Corp Weldon Mills, North Carolina The NC AMVETS Service Foundation announces the successful completion of its first Beta Test Raffle- A 50/50 cash drawing benefiting their annual Memorial Weekend program. Veteran service...
by Gaming Benefits Corp | May 30, 2023 | News
This 2023 Memorial Day Weekend event -Remembrance on the River was rained out. But you can still feel the spirit of our remembrance through this video capturing last year’s event. Visit for more...
by Gaming Benefits Corp | May 30, 2023 | Fundraising, News
by Tara Sue Clark, Gaming Benefits Corp The NC AMVETS Service Foundation announces the successful completion of its first Beta Test Raffle- A 50/50 cash drawing benefiting their annual Memorial Weekend program. Veteran service organizations have served elemental roles...
by Gaming Benefits Corp | Mar 22, 2023 | Membership, NC AMVETS Dept
To apply for North Carolina Amvets membership, please print and complete this form if you are serving or have honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces ( Active, Guard or Reserve) after September 1940 and would like to join AMVETS. RETURN COMPLETED...
by Gaming Benefits Corp | Oct 8, 2022 | NC AMVETS Programs, White Clover
The White Clover, meaning, “remember me” is the official flower of AMVETS, it symbolizes the states from which the U.S. Armed Forces were drawn and the worldwide battlefields on which they fought. (It is a four-leaf clover.) Since 1946, AMVETS throughout America have...